Why Some People Never Admit That They Are Wrong?

Some people think that life is just as perfect as they think. They think that anything they do in their life is perfect and they are never wrong in their way of thinking or acts. But the reality is different. Our life might seem perfect in some ways, but we all make mistakes, and we do so regularly. We make some small errors, and we can ignore those. But sometimes, we engage ourselves in such crucial situations where the only option left is to admit our fault! But, we hesitate to do so.

No one enjoys admitting that they are wrong. We think of this thing as an emotional experience. A lot of courage is required to admit mistakes, and all that depends is how we respond to the situation when we find out that we were wrong. No one is perfect in this world, and we should need to accept this fact. But, some people never admit that they can be wrong in any situation. Sometimes, it depends on us that how we respond to such people who never admit their fault. Here we will discuss some major problems due to which some people never admit that they are wrong in their life.

  1. Being wrong means you are unworthy.

The reason that some people can’t apologize is not the fact that they don’t like to be wrong. It is because they see it as an inherent character fault. They think that they are fallible, which evokes deep psychological anxiety. That anxiety is the risks or the consequences associated with failure or loss. The irrational need to “always be perfect” rules the ego of non-apologists. They feel their screw-ups are unforgivable. This difficulty of admitting failure largely comes from the unrealistic expectation that is “I am always right”.

  1. Being wrong means you fear retaliation.

For some people, admitting their mistake is a painful option as they live inside an eye-for-an-eye bubble. They feel that if they admit any wrongdoing, it will surely be revisited upon them. These people haven’t learned to trust in others, and their journey to build trust, honesty and vulnerability seems an arduous task. One of the best ways to deal with these people is to set a firm boundary around your boundaries. It would be best if you did not let them get so close with the core things that matter to you and not allow them to upset you.

  1. Being wrong means, you are not stronger.

Some people think that appearing apologetic is congruent to appear weak. Anyone who says that I am a hundred per cent perfect and I am a hundred per cent right is pretty hard to believe. It is hard to believe such people as no one is hundred per cent perfect except God. A good leader admits their mistake and is more open to being fallible. It makes them more highly regarded, and this deep sense of accountability inspire the people who think of them as highly trusted and productive.

  1. You are oblivious and don’t admit that you can be wrong.

Some people reside on a specific spectrum and are sociopathic. They miss the ability to detect social cues which are apparent to the bulk of humanity. But obliviousness is something deeper than that! Obliviousness is a learned behaviour that shields and coddles the learner and makes it hard as a diamond for them to breakthrough.

It is a natural phenomenon that people can be caught with a cookie jar in their hands, a cheat sheet taped to their forehead and having fake ID which proclaims that they are Pope Clemente. But, they manage to be proverbial deer in headlights when it comes to the matter of being called on their wrongs. Science has not figured out how to deal with such an oblivious sort of person. An oblivious person tends to apologize when it comes they receive enough outside prodding.

  1. Being stubborn

A stubborn person is aware of their positions, culpability, the pain of others and is aware that a simple apology or admitting wrongdoing can change the situation from a hot to a bearable state. But, still, they prevent themselves from doing so on principle! It doesn’t matter for them that what is the principle. The best way to make a stubborn feel apologetic is never to let them get their way. You must be steadfast in need of resolution and should call their bluff. When stubborn people see that their self-preservation principles don’t mean a thing to anyone, they will grudgingly come around to apologize.

  1. Enjoying chaos

Some people enjoy presiding over misery for their warped reasons. Mostly narcissists and Masochists are involved in such miseries as withholding and wrongdoing feed them. The question arises then how to deal with such people who intend to create situations that require their apology? The answer is one doesn’t need to do so. It is prudent to actively maintain boundaries against these people as they are the ones who haven’t learned to trust others. They always look for cracks and crevices in all walls. They slide in such situations at a fast pace that will catch off your guard and unawares. Suh lord of chaos tend to manipulate you to apologize for their wrongdoing, and if they are successful in doing so, it is their emotional wage for that day.


People can sometimes not admit that they are wrong because they have been suffering from a fragile ego that makes it difficult for them to sulk and get over it. They cannot tolerate the notion that they are capable of mistakes. To defend they’re not wrong in the first place. They wrap their very perception of reality and challenge the obvious facts. It is totally up to us that how we respond to such people. We should not consider their persistent and rigid refusal to admit the fact that they are wrong, and it is a sign of strength and conviction. It is their psychological weakness and fragility.